EMOS Label Renewed for ENSAI

The European Statistical System Committee has recently renewed its European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) label for four year to ENSAI’s Master in Public Evaluation and Decision Making.

European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a network of Master’s programs that offer training in Official Statistics in Europe. EMOS aims to reinforce collaboration between universities and Official Statistics bodies and to train experts capable of working at different levels in European Official Statistics.

Only EMOS-labeled Program in France

Universities which offer EMOS Masters work in close collaboration with National Statistical Institutes and Central Banks to reduce the gap between theory and practice. Internships in Official Statistics, Master’s thesis topics, EMOS seminars, immersion weeks at Eurostat, and webinars allow future Official Statisticians to take advantage of training that combines a balance of skills and knowledge with a truly European dimension.

France is a leader in this field as two of its EMOS students will spend a semester abroad via the Erasmus+ program studying at partner EMOS institutions. Additionally, INSEE is currently hosting two EMOS students for internships, one from the University of Pisa and one from LMU Munich.

Today, there are 32 EMOS programs in 19 EU countries. ENSAI’s Master in Public Evaluation and Decision Making is the only EMOS-labeled program in France.

Learn More About the EMOS Master at ENSAI