Graduating class 2009
Civil Servant Program (Attaché statisticien de l’Insee)

“I’m fortunate to have a challenging and varied career with job security, which is far from negligible. If I had to do it again, I would choose Insee without hesitation.”


My background before ENSAI

French high school with a focus in hard sciences (Terminale S), then a two-year course in mathematics, physics, and engineering sciences designed to prepare students for entry into France’s Grandes écoles (prépa MPSI-MP) at lycée Joffre in Montpellier.

Why I chose this program at ENSAI

I chose the “Civil servant program” in order to be financially independent immediately after finishing my two-year courses in math, physics, and engineering sciences, as well as to be able to work in the field of Official statistics (with the diversity of career paths that it offers).

My first position

Head of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
Location: Insee General Direction, Business Statistics Division, Paris.
Salary range (gross/yearly):  €30,000 – 40,000

This position was very rewarding as a first experience in Official statistics. I had the opportunity to manage a survey from A to Z, from the questionnaire production phase to releasing the final results. Most notably I participated in meetings at Eurostat (statistical office of the European Union) located in Luxembourg, where I was able to meet my European counterparts, responsible for the same survey in their respective countries. It was the occasion to exchange with them in English and to compare our respective experiences.

My following work experience

After two posts in the field of business statistics, I oriented myself towards a position in the Ministerial Statistical Services (SSM) at DARES (SSM of the French Ministry of Labor). I was responsible for monitoring salaried employment, which consisted mostly in carrying out econometric estimations on salaried employment based on survey data. This experience was very enriching because it allowed me to change my professional environment, to discover an atmosphere more focused on public policy, and to interact with diverse profiles of people (officials from the French Ministry of Labor, contract workers, researchers, etc.)

Finally, having never worked in a Regional Directorate (DR), I wanted to broaden my professional experience by taking a position in a regional office. Last year I requested a transfer to the region of Occitanie and since September 2019 I have been working as an advisor in regional quality.

My current position

Quality Manager
Location: Regional Directorate of Insee – Occitanie, Toulouse.
Salary range (gross/yearly):  €40,000 – 60,000
Supervision: no  / Autonomy: yes – Senior civil servant status

My job consists in leading quality initiatives within the regional management of Occitanie. The objective of these projects is to describe existing processes and propose recommendations for their improvement. I have complete autonomy in this position and my job allows me to learn in a general sense about the different regional projects taking place, which is all the more interesting as this is my first experience in regional management.

My career outlook (advancements, projects, opportunities)

For my next post, I can see myself staying at the Regional Directorate and becoming the head of a unit.

2 memories from my time at ENSAI

Participating in the ECE Competition
One day, an email was sent to ENSAI students announcing that there would be a national spelling competition organized by the Ecole centrale d’électronique in Paris for engineering students in France. I participated and finished in 22nd place. I wanted to get my revenge the following year and I finished in 1st place. Several other ENSAI students also participated and all finished in the top ranking. It’s a very good memory! Since then, I have continued to participate in national spelling competitions, and on TV shows (“Motus” for example, with a friend from class, Antoine Wlodarczyk).

ENSAI Poker Tour
During my time at ENSAI, I really appreciated playing in poker tournaments at school. During this time poker was really growing in popularity and ENSAI organized its own tournament. It was really nice to go to the student lounge after class and measure my skills against those of my classmates.

My advice to future students

Take advantage of your time spent in Bruz or Rennes. You’ll learn a lot of things, there is a good atmosphere and a really nice setting, which makes studying at ENSAI even more enjoyable.

Thanks Anthony!

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