Competitive Exam Information

On April 17th, the French government announced that the French national competitive exams for admission into Grandes écoles will be taking place between June 20th and August 7th, 2020. These dates are subject to change  depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Candidates will have access to their ranking by higher education institution on August 8th at the latest and appeal procedures will begin at the latest on August 12th in order to maintain the calendar for the start of the academic year.


Economic and Social Sciences Competitive Exam – B/L

  • Written exams (inter-ENS) will keep their original format and will occur from June 22nd to 29th, 2020. The calendar is accessible on ENS’s website.
  • Like ENS, ENSAI will not hold oral exams this year. Candidates will be ranked and accepted based on the results of the written exam.


Economic Management Competitive Exam – D2

  • Written exams (inter-ENS) will keep their original format and will occur from June 22nd to 29th, 2020. The calendar is accessible on ENS’s website.
  • No oral exams will be held this year. Candidates will be ranked and accepted based on the results of the written exam.


Mathematics Competitive Exam – MP  

  • Written exams (CCINP) will keep their original format and take place between June 2nd and July 6th, 2020. A calendar indicating the different exams will be communicated soon on the SCEI website.
  • No oral exams will be held this year. Candidates will be ranked and accepted based on the results of the written exam.


These different exams listed above are shared by higher educational institutions and not organized by ENSAI. Each candidate will be personally informed of the new calendar as well as the terms and conditions of their exam once they have officially enrolled.

The written exam coefficients for admission have not been modified by ENSAI.

ENSAI will measure the importance of these changes in an already difficult situation. Every effort is being made to guide candidates in the following weeks, answer questions, guarantee the safety of all, and help candidates in the choice of school. Please do not hesitate to contact:


Source : communiqué du MESRI le 17/04/2020