Statistics For Evaluating Public Policies

The 3rd year specialization in Data Modeling for Spatial Analysis and Health Economics provides students with a wealth of skills in statistical engineering, economics, and econometrics applied to territory dynamics and health. Expertise in this domain is becoming increasing sought-after for evaluating public policies as well as in the private sector.

Observe and evaluate rigorously

When people think of “territory” they often think of urban policy. In this very critical domain, relying on experts who are meticulous about figures and the “power” of numbers as well as limits, who are also capable of distinguishing structural effects and windfall effects, from the real effects of implemented actions is an indispensable prerequisite to objective assessment of public policies.

Observing and evaluating are the mission of the French Commission for Territorial Equality* (Cget). This state service mobilizes numerous and various statistical data in order to draw attention to territorial inequalities by paying particular attention to “fragile” territories (urban policy districts, rural or landlocked areas, etc.). This monitoring provides the government with the keys to understand so that it can put appropriate solutions into place. “Our studies lead to government bills, to measures adapted to the territories in which they are deployed, and we can therefore measure their impact. This is really motivating!” explained Brigitte Baccaïni, assistant director of statistical Observation and Analysis at Cget.

étudiants ENSAI

Health economics, the pharmaceutical industry, consulting

On the health side of this degree, students in this program study the relationships between healthcare, retirement and territorial dynamics, and consequently the effects of public policy at work in these fields. It is possible for students to go even further in the mastery of health economics by studying methods of medico-economic evaluation and clinical trials. With these complimentary courses, the Data Scientists who graduate with a specialization in Spatial Analysis and Health Economics are invaluable experts in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical research organizations, and consulting firms specializing in assessment.

Training Through Research Option

ENSAI also offers students in the Spatial Analysis and Health Economics major the opportunity to prepare for a career as a researcher in the Research and Development department of private companies or in public laboratories. In the Training Through Research Option (OFPR in French), students’ course schedules are adapted to allow them to take classes in the Empirical and Theoretical Economics major of the Master in Economics at the Université d’Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE).

Medico-Economics Analysis / Spatial Econometrics / Panel Data Econometrics / Meta Analysis / Territorial Dynamics / Demography / Physical and Social Networks / Actuarial and Insurance Mechanisms

Data Scientist / Data Analyst / Health Economic Analyst / Research Analyst…


*The Cget became the Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires on January 1, 2020.


Find out more on the Data Modeling for Spatial Analysis and Health Economics Program