
ENSAI is a member of several local, national, and international networks related to internationalization. Membership in these networks helps ENSAI stay up to date on the latest trends and regulations, provide funding for students, and maintain international visibility to facilitate international recruitment of students.


Erasmus+ is a program led and financed by the European Union to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. With an annual budget of €14.7 billion, it provides a framework which facilitates international exchanges and funding for students, faculty, and staff to spend time abroad for studies, internships, teaching, and training. 

ENSAI has received the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which entitles it to participate in the program and solicit funds for mobility projects. As of 2019, ENSAI has 28 Erasmus+ partners in 13 European countries with a budget that finances student mobility for exchanges and internships, as well as staff training and teacher mobility. 

Outgoing students in the Engineer Statistician and Civil Servant Official Statistics programs can spend a semester abroad during the second year of studies at ENSAI. Students from the Master in Public Evaluation and Decision Making program can spend the first semester of the program as an exchange student at one of ENSAI’s EMOS-labeled partners. 

ENSAI is committed to providing financing to all of its students completing an academic exchange or internship in Erasmus+ program countries when possible. All students eligible for grants are taken into consideration without the need to submit a specific application. The grant amount that a student receives is based on several factors:

  • Total budget available for grants from the National Agency
  • Length of stay
  • Cost of living in the host country/city
  • Financial need of the student
  • The Funding_Group of the country 

ENSAI’s Erasmus Policy Statement (in French) is available here.


« n + i »

N+i is a not-for-profit consortium of over 50 French Grandes écoles d’ingénieurs. The schools work together to promote international recruitment and ensure that incoming students are welcomed and well taken care of. For example, all students recruited via the N+i network have access to special language programs and orientation as well as individualized tutoring.

ENSAI regularly recruits students for its Engineer Statistician and Master in Statistics for Smart Data program via this network. 



Campus France

Campus France is the official agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, and international mobility under the tutelage of the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Higher Education, Research, and Innovation.

As a member of the Forum Campus France, ENSAI benefits from many services offered by Campus France, including training sessions, promotions, organization of study abroad fairs, and assistance with administrative procedures.

Campus France also provides a vast array of resources for students who are thinking about studying in France and those who have been accepted to programs in France. Resources that may be of interest to incoming ENSAI students include, but are not limited to:


Rennes Center for International Mobility (CMI)

The Rennes Center for International Mobility (CMI) was founded in 2009. Though attached to the University of Rennes 2 for administrative reasons, it is an organization that is composed of 12 universities and higher education institutions in and around Rennes. Its members are:

  • Agrocampus Ouest
  • CentraleSupélec
  • École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique – EHESP
  • École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information – ENSAI 
  • École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes – ENSCR
  • École Normale Supérieur Rennes – ENS
  • IMT Atlantique
  • INSA Rennes
  • Sciences Po Rennes
  • UniLaSalle – EME
  • University of Rennes 1
  • University of Rennes 2

As ENSAI is a member of the CMI, its students take full advantage of the services offered and events organized by this organization. These services include:

  • International Students Day
  • CMI International Student Guide for Rennes
  • assistance with administrative formalities (visa validation, renewal…)
  • assistance for obtaining social benefits (health insurance, housing subsidies…)
  • sporting events (football matches, volleyball, cycling…)
  • cultural events (visits, concerts, plays…)


Head of the Office of International Relations and Department of Humanities - Equality and Diversity Ombudsman
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 44
Associate Head of the Office of International Relations and Department of Humanities
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 43