International Strategy

Our International Strategy

Internationalization is at the heart of ENSAI’s development strategy. ENSAI is committed to increasing the quality of its programs and its research, which requires cooperation and interaction with other institutions in higher education and research at both local and international levels.

Internationalization is not seen as an objective in and of itself, but rather an additional path which allows ENSAI to confirm the quality of its teaching and the relevance of its research. ENSAI’s investment in international cooperation and partnerships helps increase its visibility beyond France and into Europe and the world. ENSAI’s philosophy is therefore to cultivate internationalization wherever it can add value.

étudiant international

Linguistic Policy

At ENSAI, studying English is mandatory throughout the length of study. To obtain the Engineer Statistician degree, students must certify a minimum B2 level of English according to the CEFR. ENSAI is committed to raising the English level of not just its students, but also its teachers and staff. The school proposes professionally oriented language courses for staff and is increasing the number of scientific courses taught in English for students.

Non-francophone international students at ENSAI pursuing the Engineer Statistician degree must certify a minimum B2 level in French prior to graduation. Mastering French is also a good way to ensure students fit in well and enter the French job market without difficulty. As such, ENSAI organizes French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses for its international students free of charge. Tandem linguistic exchanges are also an option for international students to improve their French while meeting French students.

The Department of Humanities at ENSAI also offers students the opportunity to learn six other foreign languages to allow them to discover other cultures and prepare for international mobility: Chinese (Mandarin), German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

Mandatory Time Abroad

All Engineer Statistician students must spend at least 4 weeks abroad during their studies. Students can fulfill this obligation by studying abroad, completing internships abroad, or spending a gap year abroad. Students are highly encouraged to go beyond the minimum 4 weeks and often spend several periods abroad during their studies at ENSAI. Civil Servant Official Statistics students are not required to go abroad. Nevertheless, since 2019, it is now possible for them to carry out an Erasmus exchange at one of ENSAI’s EMOS-labeled partners (European Master in Official Statistics).


Head of the Office of International Relations and Department of Humanities - Equality and Diversity Ombudsman
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 44