Study at ENSAI

Internationally recognized programs in Data Science

ENSAI recruits its students from around the globe for its graduate-level programs in Data Science. Its Master’s programs (Diplôme National de Master) and PhD (Doctorat) are all accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation and its Engineer Statistician degree (diplôme d’ingénieur) is accredited by the French Commission for Engineering Degrees (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs – CTI). International students make up over 20% of the student body and hail from over 20 different countries.

International Student Admissions

All ENSAI programs are open to international students: Engineer Statistician Degree, Civil Servant in Official Statistics, Master in Statistics for Smart Data, Master in Public Evaluation and Decision Making (EMOS), and PhD. While all admissions processes vary depending on the specific program, they all include the following steps: 

  1. Submission of an online application dossier via the ENSAI website.
  2. Evaluation of submitted applications by the selection committee to determine admissibility.
  3. An in-person or online interview of short-listed candidates with the selection committee.
  4. An official decision given by the selection committee to admit, wait-list, or refuse applicants. 

Detailed information for specific programs is available for each program page of the ENSAI website. 

Cost and Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

The cost of studying at ENSAI depends on the program and in some cases the nationality of the applicants. Each program’s cost is listed below:

*The higher fees for non-EU citizens represent only 1/3 of the actual cost of the program which receives generous funding from the French government.

Financial Aid

International students from the European Union are eligible for need-based financial aid funded by the French government. Non-EU citizens are not eligible for need-based financial aid unless the meet one of the following criteria:

  • the student has established, legal residency in France for at least 2 years
  • the student is from an ENSAI partner institution which has signed a bilateral agreement with the school stipulating eligibility for financial aid. 

Cost of Living










Arrival at ENSAI

Moving to a new country to study is an exciting but sometimes stressful opportunity. ENSAI is committed to making sure its international students feel welcome and supported even before they arrive at the school. The Office of International Relations is in contact with students as soon as they are admitted to ensure that incoming students have all the necessary information and documents they need to apply for visas, reserve housing, and prepare for their studies at ENSAI. 

The Office of International Relations proposes a variety of services for international students prior to, upon, and after arrival. These services, all of which are free, include:

  • Assisting students with reserving housing prior to their arrival
  • Welcoming students at the main SNCF railway station in Rennes or the Rennes airport and providing transportation to their housing
  • Providing Welcome Kits for new international students upon arrival (pillows, linens, cooking utensils, school supplies)
  • Assisting students with practical matters upon arrival (grocery shopping, information on local transportation, opening bank accounts, obtaining renter’s insurance)
  • Assisting students with obtaining France’s free national student health insurance
  • Providing assistance and information on access to healthcare providers and supplemental health insurance coverage
  • Assisting students with obtaining housing subsidies 
  • Assisting students with visa validation procedures
  • Organizing special international student orientation sessions
  • Providing free French as a Foreign Language (FLE) classes
  • Providing administrative support services through the CMI Rennes International Mobility Center
  • Providing access to cultural and sporting events and excursions specifically for international students via the CMI Rennes International Mobility Center’s Cultural program
  • Providing storage for possessions during internships

Welcome Team

The Welcome Team is the ENSAI association dedicated to international students. Its goal is to welcome and support you so that your arrival in France and your integration at school go as smoothly as possible. Before arriving at ENSAI, the association can assist you with administrative procedures and inform you about life in Rennes and on campus. During your studies, each international student is partnered with a buddy to help them and show them around ENSAI and French student life. To discover the region and meet new people, the Welcome Team also organizes outings, activities, and themed dinners based on countries represented by international students.

So, everything is done in order to make your experience at ENSAI easier and your French adventure the best possible!

étudiants internationaux ENSAI

Choose ENSAI


  1. Not just a number: At ENSAI, our small size means students get the attention they need and deserve.
  2. Excellence: ENSAI is known for its high-level, demanding programs in Data Science. 
  3. Career Opportunities: Thanks to the quality of ENSAI’s programs, its graduates enjoy exciting career opportunities and above average salaries.
  4. Location: ENSAI is located in a modern building on a beautiful campus just outside Rennes.
  5. Global Opportunities: ENSAI offers many possibilities for students to gain professional and academic experience abroad.
  6. Research Opportunities: ENSAI’s graduate-level degrees open doors to PhD and research opportunities on exciting topics. 

Why Rennes?

  1. Location: Rennes is located just 85 minutes from the heart of Paris via the high-speed train and less than an hour from the beautiful Breton coast.
  2. Quality of Life: Rennes is consistently rated one of the most agreeable places to live and boasts one of the lowest unemployment rates in France.
  3. Travel: Beyond Brittany, travel from Rennes is simple with numerous direct flight to major European cities and hubs like Paris, Amsterdam, and Madrid.
  4. Culture: Rennes has a vibrant cultural scene and boasts several annual festivals. From music to food to cinema, there is something for everyone.
  5. Energy: Rennes is a city with a vibrant tech sector and over 60,000 university students.

Why France?

  1. Culture: France is well-known for its rich cultural heritage and historic monuments and buildings.
  2. Openness: France has a tradition of welcoming people from around the world and is the 4th leading destination for international students.
  3. Innovation: France is an innovation leader with more of the world’s top 100 most innovative companies than any other European country.
  4. Generosity: France invests heavily in education and well-being for all students, which means affordable tuition and fees and free student healthcare.
  5. Lifestyle: France is known for its unique art de vivre and unmatched gastronomical riches.

ENSAI was awarded the “Bienvenue en France” label by Campus France

Erasmus+ exchanges at ENSAI

ENSAI has partnership agreements with 30 European universities. Semester or year-long exchanges are possible at both undergraduate and graduate levels. To find out if your university is an ENSAI partner, visit the International Partnerships page.

If your home institution is an ENSAI partner, the international office at your university can provide you with more information about how to apply for an Erasmus+ exchange at ENSAI. 

Study as an Erasmus Student at ENSAI





Head of the Office of International Relations and Department of Humanities - Equality and Diversity Ombudsman
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 44
Associate Head of the Office of International Relations and Department of Humanities
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 43


A transfer student from ENSAE Dakar who graduated from ENSAI in 2017, Ababacar Ba reflects on his academic studies and the choices that brought him to his consulting job at EY.
Read the testimonial