Assistant Professor of Economics Research interests
  • Industrial Organization
  • Discrete Choice Models
  • Digital Economics
Bureau 276 Téléphone +33 (0)2 99 05 32 63 Email Adresse ENSAI
Campus de Ker Lann
51 Rue Blaise Pascal
BP 37203
35172 BRUZ Cedex

After having received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Montpellier, I have been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Munich thanks to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND action. I am now an Assistant Professor of Economics at ENSAI.

My research primarily focuses on the demand and supply sides in the network industries. I use structural approaches and observational data to model consumer behavior. I also use various reduced form approaches to comment on the development of prices and variety of products in markets subjects to an evolving competitive, regulatory and technological environment.

I have taught - and I teach - courses in Industrial Organization, Digital Economics, and Applied Econometrics.

I am a member of the Young Center for Advanced Studies of LMU Munich as well as a member of the French Association for Research in Digital Economics (AFREN).

More information is in my detailed CV




  • Estimating consumer inertia in repeated choices of smartphones (2020), joint with Lukasz Grzybowski. Forthcoming in Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • Assessing fifteen years of State Aid for broadband networks in the European Union: a quantitative analysis (2020), joint with Marc Bourreau and Richard Feasey. Telecommunications Policy, 44(7), 101974.
  • Impact of competition, investment and regulation on prices of mobile services: Evidence from France (2018), joint with Lukasz Grzybowski and Christine Zulehner, Economic Inquiry, 56: 1322-1345.

Work in progress

  • Are consumers myopic? Evidence from handset and mobile services choices. Job Market Paper.
  • Displacement and complementarity in the recorded music industry: Evidence from France, joint with Marc Ivaldi, Frank Verboven, and Jiekai Zhang.
  • The Rise of Confusopoly: Evidence from the UK mobile market, joint with Christos Genakos and Tobias Kretschmer.
  • Smartphone adoption in South Africa, joint with Toker Doganoglu and Lukasz Grzybowski.
  • Price Dynamics in the Smartphone Market and International Trade Tensions.
  • Dynamic pricing of digital goods and the role of distribution platform: Evidence from Steam.


  • Panel Data Econometrics (2021), ENSAI. Graduate level.
  • Digital Economics (2021), ENSAI. Graduate level, joint with Yutec Sun.
  • Management and Economics of Platforms (2019, 2020), Munich School of Management, LMU Munich, Germany. Undergraduate level, joint with Tobias Kretschmer and Giulia Solinas.
  • Empirics of Organizations (2018, 2020), Munich School of Management, LMU Munich, Germany. Graduate level, joint with Pooyan Khashabi.


  • Managerial Economics (2019, 2020, 2021), EM Lyon, France.
  • Management and Economics of Platforms (2019, 2020), LMU Munich, Germany.
  • Tutorial in Industrial Organization (2016-2017), Telecom Paris, France.


  • At ENSAI, I supervise students’ projects related to the digitization of the Economy.
  • At LMU and EM Lyon, I have supervised bachelor and master theses on topics related to consumer behavior, pricing strategies, and competition in the network industries and platforms markets.