Associate Professor in Statistics Research interests
  • Semiparametric regression model
  • Shape Invariant Model
  • Statistics for Lie Groups
  • Data Depth
  • Diffusion Process
  • Image/Signal Processing
Bureau 268 Téléphone +33 (0)2 99 05 32 18 Email Adresse ENSAI
Campus de Ker Lann
51 Rue Blaise Pascal
BP 37203
35172 BRUZ Cedex


July 2007 PhD in Applied Mathematics, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)
Thesis subject: Statistical for Semiparametric Regression Models based on Fourier Transform;
Supervisor: Pr. Fabrice Gamboa (Université de Toulouse)

June 2004 Diplôme d’Etudes Appronfondies (equiv. MSc), Stochastic and Statistics Modelisation, Faculty of Mathematics, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, , FRANCE

July 2003 Agrégation (French advanced teaching qualification exam), Mathematics 

June 2002 Maîtrise (equiv. Master 1), Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Université de Caen, Caen, FRANCE


2008 - Associate Professor in Statistics, ENSAI, FRANCE

2007 - 2008 Assistant Professor in Statistics, Université Rennes 2, FRANCE

2004 - 2007 Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, FRANCE

Lecture, tutorials and projects (2020-2021)

Head of Biostatistics Program, ENSAI

  • Resampling Methods, second year of engineering school
  • Statistics of Processes, third year of engineering school
  • Methodological Research Project, third year of engineering school in Advanced Statistical Engineering Specialization

Administrative service

Elected member of the board of directors of GENES (Groupe des Écoles Nationales d'Économie et Statistique) since 2014.
2020 - 2021 Head of Biostatistics Program, ENSAI
2009 - 2013 Head of Advanced Statistical Engineering Program, ENSAI
Nov 2013 Statistical Workshop of SFdS on "Méthodes de rééchantillonnage et applications" (12h) les 29 et 30 novembre 2012, with Magalie Fromont

Lectures, (past years)

2008-2013 : STAT3 (statistical model and estimation), first year of engineering school
2009-2014 : Nonlinear Modelling, third year of engineering school
2010-2012 : Complex Analysis, first year of engineering school
2011-2014 : Computationnal Statistics, second year of engineering school 

Tutorials, (past years)

2009-2011 : Bayesian Statistics, second year of engineering school
2009-2011 : Parametric Statistics, Master 1 at ENS
2008-2014 : STAT3 (statistical model and estimation), first year of engineering school
2008-2009 : Temporal Series, second year of engineering school
2008-2009 : Markov Chains, second year of engineering school
2012-2014 : Computationnal Statistics, second year of engineering school

Projects, (past years)

2008-2014 : Methodological Research Project, third year of engineering school in Advanced Statistical Engineering Specialization
2008-2009 : Statistical Project, fouth year at INSA-Rennes

Published or accepted journal papers

  • de Micheaux, P. L., Mozharovskyi, P., & Vimond, M. (2020). Depth for Curve Data and Applications. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-17.
  • Briane, V., Vimond, M., Valades-Cruz, C. A., Salomon, A., Wunder, C., & Kervrann, C. (2020). A sequential algorithm to detect diffusion switching along intracellular particle trajectories. Bioinformatics36(1), 317-329.
  • Briane, V., Vimond, M., & Kervrann, C. (2019). An overview of diffusion models for intracellular dynamics analysis. Briefings in bioinformatics, 1-15.
  • Briane, V., Kervrann, C., et Vimond, M. (2018). Statistical analysis of particle trajectories in living cells. Physical Review E97(6), 062121.
  • Geffray, S., Klutchnikoff N., et Vimond, M. (2016) Illumination problems in digital images. A statistical point of view., Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 150, 191-213
  • Bigot, J., Loubes J.M., et Vimond, M. (2012) Semiparametric estimation of shifts on compact Lie groups for image registration, Prob. Theory and Rel. Fields 152 (3-4), 425-473
  • M. Vimond, (2010) Efficient estimation for a subclass of shape invariant models, Annals of Statistics, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1885-1912
  • J. Bigot, F. Gamboa et M. Vimond, (2009) Estimation of translation, rotation and scaling between noisy images using the Fourier Mellin transform, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 614-645.

Statistique avec R

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Statistique Computationnelle

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