Internship & Job Offers

All ENSAI academic programs all include mandatory internships, allowing students to accumulate up to 12 months of professional experience during their studies. These work placements allow students to apply what they have learned in class to real problems and gain vital experience in the workplace prior to graduation. 

First Year Engineer Statistician Internship: Discovering the Work World

This internship takes place after the first year of the Engineer Statistician program. The principal objective is to give students an opportunity to discover what the professional world is like, how to deal with its constraints and complexities, and how to become an integrated member of a team. There are no scientific constraints, but these internships can give students the opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired during their first year of studies at ENSAI.


Offer a 1st Year internship


Second Year Engineer Statistician Internship: Applying Data Science Skills

This internship takes place after the second year of the Engineer Statistician program (equivalent to 1st year of Master). This internship must allow students to apply their skills in Applied Mathematics, Statistical Modeling, and Data Management acquired during the first two years of study. The scientific content of this internship is of great importance.


Offer a 2nd Year internship


Third Year Engineer Statistician Internship: End-of-Studies Project

This internship takes place following the end of the third year of the Engineer Statistician program. As a junior engineer, the intern must use the full spectrum of his/her skills acquired during the 3 years of study at ENSAI to demonstrate their ability to transition into the professional world. The scientific content is of great importance and must be linked to the specialization program of the student.


Offer à 3rd Year internship


MSc in Statistics for Smart Data Internship

The final phase of the Master in Statistics for Smart Data program is a 4-6 month paid internship, which can take place anywhere in the world, in businesses or academic/research laboratories. This experience allows students to apply the statistical and computer science theory and methods that they have learned during the semester of coursework.


Offer a Master internship



Recruit an ENSAI Graduate

ENSAI Alumni was founded in 1998 and has over 4,000 members working in various sectors tied to Statistics and Data Science.

To facilitate interaction between its members and the business community, ENSAI Alumni has a dedicated space for HR personnel, head hunters, recruitment firms or other ENSAI graduates interested in recruiting ENSAI students.

Interested in recruiting an ENSAI student or alumnus?

Post your job offers on ENSAI Network