Study at ENSAI and Become a Biostatistician

The Covid-19 epidemic proves – as if it were needed – the fundamental importance of medical research. Biostatisticians trained at ENSAI contribute to scientific advances, like Mélanie Prague and Marie-Karelle Rivière. Their specialization in Biostatistics opened many doors for them in doctorate studies and research.

ENSAI offers a specialization in Biostatistics that allows students to embark on exciting careers in major pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology, and public health. During the 3rd year of ENSAI’s engineering degree, the Biostatistics program provides the necessary tools for students to specialize in the field of scientific experimentation. With classes such as survival analysis, mixed models, experiment design, epidemiology, clinical trials, and Omics data analysis allow students to gain a solid education that they can apply to the health sector.

eleves ENSAI

Biostatistics students, 2020 graduating class

During the academic year, students manage different projects. Three principal ones involve epidemiology, clinical trials, and Omics data analysis. These group projects not only allow students to complete and put into practice their theoretical knowledge learned in class but also to develop team spirit and teamwork skills.

Training Through Research Option

ENSAI offers its Biostatistics students the possibility to prepare for a career within the Research and Development department of companies or in public laboratories. In the Training Through Research Option (OFPR in French), class schedules at ENSAI are adjusted to allow students to take classes in one of the following three research-based master’s degree programs offered at the University of Rennes 1:

At the end of this program students can continue their studies in order to carry out a PhD or Cifre (an agreement with an industry to train through research) doctoral thesis.

Alumni Testimonials

Mélanie Prague (ENSAI 2010) and Marie-Karelle Rivière (ENSAI 2011) specialized in Biostatistics and a Research Master’s degree at the University of Rennes 1. They both completed a PhD, which opened many doors into the world of research.

Mélanie Prague is currently in charge of a research team at  InriaInserm where she carries out work on statistical modeling for immunology and the development of new vaccines.


Marie-Karelle Rivière is a bio statistician in methodology at Sanofi where she combines her interests in both medicine and mathematics.


Biostatistics /  OMICS Data / Clinical trials / Epidemiology / Genomic / Experiment Design / Meta-analysis

Bio statistician / Research Engineer / Design Engineer / Researcher


Learn more about the Biostatistics Program