A Partnership for Disneyland Paris and ENSAI

On the 25th of January 2019 in Marne, Grégoire Champetier, Senior Vice President, Head of Commercial at Disneyland Paris and Olivier Biau, Director of ENSAI, formalized their partnership.

Disneyland Paris – a top touristic destination in Europe – and ENSAI collaborate regularly on commercial optimization and modeling client behavior. The two partners explore most notably:

• new approaches in personalized marketing in Big Data environments;
• developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence dedicated to predictive marketing;
• techniques in Revenue Management regarding price setting.

By making their collaboration official, ENSAI and Disneyland Paris intend to strengthen exchanges between the academic community of the school (students, teachers, researchers, graduates, etc.) and the executives and teams of the company. Concretely this means carrying out common tasks in terms of:

• pedagogical participation (student projects, classes, professional seminars, examination boards, etc.);
• recruiting ENSAI interns and ENSAI graduates;
• public relations.

For Grégoire Champetier, “the signing of this agreement with ENSAI is the crowning achievement of a successful and lasting collaboration. Our company is proud to associate with this school, recognized for its excellence in teaching and its expertise in data processing methods! I also see for Disneyland Paris a fabulous opportunity to attract and foster future talented employees, and to meet current and future challenges in a continual quest for excellence.”

Olivier Biau is also pleased with this association: “Disneyland Paris is a major player in the European tourism industry. For our data scientists, this partnership is a terrific opportunity to put their [ENSAI students, staff, researchers, etc.] expertise to work for a world renowned brand, providing a real capacity for innovation in the field of analytical marketing.”