First semester

Economics Modeling for Health


This course uses theoretical economic themes, both at micro and macro levels, to offer applications in the domain of health and healthcare: demand, supply and equilibrium in the healthcare markets; macroeconomics of health; development economics and health (epidemic trap). Some additional topics should include: Health and employability; population aging, etc


Why using theoretical models in “health economics”?

Part 1. Microeconomics of Health
1 The demand for health and healthcare
Different ways of introducing heath in the utility function/ different way of deriving healthcare demand (Grossman, 1972)
2 Health supply
Self-employed physicians
Groups and networks of physicians
Payment schemes
3 Public regulations in the healthcare market
Asymmetry of information: the consumer sovereignty in health
Public health policies: prevention programs; reducing social inequalities in health

Part 2. Health and the macro-economy
4 Health as a sector in the macro-economy
The contribution of health to the economy in France and in the European Union
5 Health, development and growth
Jeffrey Sachs: Health, Human capital, the development process
The econometrics of the health/growth relationship: The burden of diseases in Africa
6 Health macro-dynamics
An augmented health Solow-model
Modelling health in a macroeconomic design: epidemic trap

Part 3. Topics
7 Health and employability
Health and the labour market
8 Health expenditures and population aging
Agent-based models, simulations, and mathematical models of aging


​Public economy, micro and macro modelling