Official Statistics

Through its Official Statistician program,  ENSAI prepares students for a multitude of scientific and technical careers involving Statistical Engineering and IT Systems in the Official Statistical System, most notably within INSEE, France’s National Statistics Institute. 

Collecting, producing, analyzing, communicating, coordinating, training, researching, and contributing to the creation of an International Statistical System are all part of the mission that drives INSEE.

To achieve these goals, INSEE does not need just one type of Official Statistician but many. Someone who likes Mathematics can work as a methodology specialist to calculate the accuracy of statistics and define or improve survey design. Someone who is more interested in IT is just as essential as s/he helps develop the networks and IT tools necessary for data collection, analysis, dissemination, and more. Someone with a passion for Economics and Sociology may go on to work for the Ministry of Economy and Finance to help inform public policy decisions.

INSEE is also a place where innovation takes place, in collaboration with research laboratories like Crest or l’Ined. In 2017, INSEE Official Statisticians placed second in the Big Data Hackathon of European Official Statistics. The goal was to develop a prototype responding to the following question: “How can you use data to help EU decision makers reduce the disconnect between job offers and available skills?”

INSEE is the main organization charged with Official Statistics and Economic Studies in France. The headquarters are located in Paris and regional offices are located throughout France. Several ministries also have statistical services including Economy, Education, Labor, Social Affairs, and Sustainable Development.

It is also possible to work in other prestigious institutions like the Bank of France, national and international research centers, and Eurostat. Becoming an Official Statistician means evolving within fascinating and diverse professional spheres.


Study / Methodology /Sampling Theory / Microeconomics / Macroeconomics / Demography / Cartography / Spatial Statistics



Official Statistician / Study Manager / Methodologist / Data Scientist


Institutions within the ENSAI ecosystem

Banque de France / Eurostat / INED / INSEE / Statistics Canada / Central Statistics Office (Ireland) / Destatis (Germany)



ENSAI Admissions
Engineer Statistician and Official Statistician Admissions
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 / 32 03


Meet Anthony Caruso (ENSAI 2013): a civil servant statistician currently working for the Ministerial Statistical Services (SSM).
Read the testimonial