
The ENSAI Library offers a vast panorama of resources and a quiet place to study.

At ENSAI, online resources are privileged. The Focus tool facilitates access to millions of articles, chapters, and scientific pre-prints in 1 or 2 clicks via specialized bibliographic databases and access to periodicals and journals. Students and faculty also have access to the catalogs of the 19 universities that make up the University of Paris Saclay. The GENES (Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics) library catalog  is available online.

The paper catalog is principally made up of highly specialized scientific literature, the majority of which is in English. The main objective is to provide resources that are closely in line with ENSAI courses and the research areas of the CREST lab.
– 20,000 documents (books, theses, gray literature, reference materials)
– nearly 200 collections of periodicals (mostly scientific)

Tools for language learning (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish) are also available.

Online Catalog     New Items     Focus


The ENSAI Library is open to all.

Students, GENES and INSEE personnel are given priority for book loans. Guest lecturers, visiting professors, doctoral students, and ENSAI alumni may check out books for free but must sign a guarantee form.

The library is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 20:00 non-stop. Personnel (to check out material, for research assistance) are not always available. No items may be checked out unless a member of the library staff or student assistant is present.


Students must present their student IDs to check out items. Returns are to be made either directly with personnel or via the drop box located at the entrance of the library.

Each student may borrow up to 10 documents for a period of 1 to 4 weeks (depending on the type of document). Reviews and reference materials may not be checked out.

The return date is given when the item is checked out. Warning! If the due date is passed, an email will be sent stipulating that if the item is not returned within 3 days, the student will be barred from future borrowing for the length of time the item is kept past the due date.

All persons who have checked out material may monitor their account online via the GENES catalog website to verify items on loan, to reserve items, suggest the purchase of new items, and manage his/her “virtual library.”

Loans to students leaving for internships or outsiders are subject to completing a guarantee form.

Partner Libraries

ENSAI is a partner of the Ker Lann Campus libraries:

ENS Rennes   UniLaSalle Rennes – EME

as well as the Network of Grandes Ecoles in Rennes (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles de Bretagne) :

Other university and research libraries in Rennes:

Irisa   Université Rennes 1     Université Rennes 2     Irmar

National Network of Mathematics Libraries
