
Need-Based Grants (CROUS)

At the beginning of the 2020 academic year, the management for need-based financial aid for ENSAI students will be handled by the Crous de Rennes in accordance with the rules in force at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

This aid is granted to students facing financial hardship that would preclude them from undertaking or pursuing higher education.

Grants are complementary to family support. As such, they cannot replace the financial obligation as defined by the provisions of articles 203 and 371-2 of the French Civil Code, which require parents to ensure the financial support of their children, even if they are of legal adult age, as long as they are unable to provide for their own needs.

Exception: students coming from African schools, having signed an agreement with GENES, though not eligible for CROUS grants, are eligible for the internal grant system and will be contacted directly by ENSAI in order to finalize their financial aid application.

The application for need-based financial aid must be completed annually with the help of the student social file (DSE) to be completed online. Students who received a CROUS grant the previous year must again compile a file online. Please keep in mind that when entering the DSE, the CROUS nomenclature is specific, students have to enter “Formation ingénieur” and then:

3rd year = 1A ENSAI
4th year = 2A ENSAI
5th year = 3A ENSAI
And finally, “Habilitation Economie ENSAI“».

Students who submitted a GENES scholarship application for the 2019-2020 academic year must do the same.

Once the DSE has been completed online and validated by the CROUS, student registration at ENSAI will then validate the grant application and start the payment of any scholarships. Payments from this point forward will be made monthly, in tenths, and take effect at the beginning of the academic year. CROUS scholarship status will also facilitate access to student housing.


The following students are not concerned by this need-bases scheme:

    • Students enrolled in the Mastère Spécialisé, Statistics for Smart Data Master, Insee interns, and ERASMUS students;
    • Students whose tax residence has been in the European Economic Area (EEA) for less than two years;
    • Students with foreign nationality and tax residence outside the EEA unless they come from institutions that have a signed agreement with ENSAI explicitly stating the student’s eligibility to the grant;
    • Students taking a gap year.


All engineering students, including those with scholarships or grants, must pay the CEVC fee (92€)


International studies grants

Scholarships for international studies are given to students who are already receiving a grant. This is subject to the student’s academic results.



Associate Secretary General - Head of Administrative Management
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 79