Mathematics Competitive Exam

Students are selected based on their performance on the competitive entrance exam called  Concours communs INP (CCINP).

ENSAI admits two different student profiles : statistical engineering students (civilians) and INSEE civil servant statisticians (government employee).

The examinations are the same for both profiles. However they are ranked differently and a specific number of places are available for each one.

Approximately 70 places are allotted for candidates enrolled in this Mathematics entrance exam. Results are made public on ENSAI’s website.

When enrolling, each candidate chooses his/her profile as either an INSEE civil servant, an engineering student, or both. Candidates who choose both profiles must make a final decision when they officially rank their school preferences (phase de voeux sur les Écoles)


> List of candidates allowed to compte – Mathematics Competitive Exam – 2022
> List of admitted non-civil servant students to ENSAI – 2021/2022


The Mathematics competitive entrance exam is intended for students in post-secondary preparatory classes for the grandes écoles (CPGE), having chosen the MP or MP* specialization.

These are conditions required in order to take the entrance exam:

  • statistical engineering students (civilian): no particular conditions apply
  • civil servant student statisticians for INSEE (government employee) must :
    • be a citizen of an EU Member State or signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra or Monaco);
    • enjoy full rights as a citizen;
    • prove a clean criminal record (Bulletin n°2 in France), compatible with official duties;
    • prove physically fit for employment;
    • have on September 1st of the year for which the examination is organized, a valid schooling certificate (to be a registered student) to certify that they are in the 2nd year of the preparatory classes for the grandes écoles entrance exams, or a level III (2nd year post-baccalauréat) title or degree, or qualifications that are recognized as being equivalent to these titles or degrees;
    • have fulfilled any obligations they may have for National Service.


étudiants ENSAI

How to Enroll

Registration for the Mathematics Competitive Exam for engineering students (civilians) and INSEE civil servant students must be one online at

Enrollment frees for the 2022 exams are:

  • Engineering students (civilian) : €210 (CCINP fee) + €55 (ENSAI fee). Students on French scholarships are exempt from paying these fees.
  • INSEE civil servant students (government employee): free


The terms, conditions, and format of the Mathematics competitive exam are available on Concours commun INP (CCINP). The Epreuves are the same for both profiles of students (civilians or civil servants).

All the exams are organized by the CCINP (MP field). ENSAI does not take into account the physics and the chemistry examinations (coefficient = 0). However, ENSAI applies specific coefficients to other subjects:

Written Exams
Mathematics  1 8
Mathematics  2 8
French 6
Modern Language 2
Computer Science or Industrial Sciences 2


Optional Written Exam
Modern Language 2 1


Oral Exams
Mathematics  8
TIPE – common exam 5
Modern Language 3

> The program and rules are available on Notice  for the Concours communs INP

> Past exam subjects


Exam results will be disponible July 21th 2021 at 8 p.m in CCINP

How accept and official join ENSAI please visit :

For additional information, please contact ENSAI’s Admissions Office: / +33 (0)2 99 05 32 47


  • Registration is open on : from December 10, 2020, to January 11, 2022, at 5 p.m.
  • Written exams: May 9 to May 12, 2022
  • Orals exams: June 20 to July 16, 2022
  • Admission results: July 20, 2022


> Entrance exam 2022
In 2023, ENSAI joins the Concours Commun INP and opens its doors to the MPI, PC and PSI specializations. Due to this evolution, comparative data for 2022 admissions are not available.

For More Details

  • Website for the common entrance exams : concours communs INP (for rules, writing and oral curriculum)
  • Website for the engineering school entrance exams: SCEI (for enrollment and official registration information)


ENSAI Admissions
Engineer Statistician and Official Statistician Admissions
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 / 32 03
Section « concours et examens » de l’INSEE
Timbre C930, 88 Avenue Verdier, 92120 Montrouge
+33 (0)1 87 69 51 60