Internal INSEE Entrance Exam

The internal entrance exam for civil servant statisticians with INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, is open to civil servants and non-tenured employees working in all three branches of the French civil service and their dependent public institutions, as well as to magistrates and the members of the French Armed Forces. This entrance exam is also open to candidates working in international intergovernmental organizations.

Each year, about ten or so places are available.

Results are published on ENSAI’s website

Eligibility for the Entrance Exam

The internal entrance exam is open to civil servants and non-tenured employees working in all three branches of the French civil service and their dependent public institutions, as well as to magistrates and the members of the French Armed Forces. It is also open to candidates working in international intergovernmental organizations.

Candidates must have completed at least 4 years of public service prior to January 1st of the year of the internal entrance exam.



Enrollment for the 2023 internal entrance exam for trainee statisticians is open between January 5 through February 7, 2023.

Written exams : March 22 to 23 March 2023

Oral exams : May 30 to 2 June, 2023

For enrollment information, please contact the INSEE Entrance Exams Office:

Insee – Section concours et examens
Timbre C930
88 Avenue Verdier
92120 Montrouge

+33 (0)1 87 69 51 60 (Head of section)


The written exams take place in certain regional offices of INSEE or at ENSAI. A notification, sent by the Entrance Exams Office of INSEE (section – concours et examens), includes the date, place, and time of the examinations.

The oral exams take place in or close to Paris. A notification, sent by the Entrance Exam Office of INSEE, gives the date, place, and time of the examinations.

> Exam format and details


All results are publicly available on ENSAI’s website.

The results for the internal INSEE entrance exam are as follows:

> Admission list 2020 – Internal INSEE exam

For more information, please contact Nadège Orrière, Head of Admissions at ENSAI at +33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 or