Economics and Social Sciences Competitive Entrance Exam (B/L)

Students are selected from a pool of candidates who take exams from the inter-ENS exams (banque commune d’épreuves). The written exams are the same for ENSAE.

ENSAI admits two categories of students: statistical engineers (civilians) and INSEE civil servant student statisticians (government employees).

These exams are the same for both categories of students. Each category has a specific number of places at ENSAI and a separate ranking.

Approximately 12 places are granted for the Economics and Social Sciences option. The results of the examination are made public on ENSAI’s website.

When registering, candidates can choose their profile as either an INSEE civil servant student statistician or an engineering student. Candidates who chose both categories must give their preference when shortlisted (after eligibility).

> List of candidates admis allowed to compete – Economics and Social Sciences Competitive Examination 2022
> Admissions acceptance list (non-civil servants)  2022-2023


The option “Economics and Social Sciences” for ENSAI’s Economic and Social Science entrance examination is mainly suited for students coming from Khâgne B/L  post-secondary preparatory classes (literature and social sciences) as well as university students who have a strong background in economic science or Miashs.

Conditions to Take the Entrance Examinations:

  • statistical engineering students (civilian): no particular conditions apply
  • civil servant student statisticians for INSEE (government employee) must :
    • be a citizen of an EU Member State or signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra or Monaco);
    • enjoy full rights as a citizen;
    • prove a clean criminal record (Bulletin n°2 in France), compatible with official duties;
    • prove physically fit for employment;
    • have on September 1st of the year for which the examination is organized, a valid schooling certificate (to be a registered student) to certify that they are in the 2nd year of the preparatory classes for the grandes écoles entrance exams, or a level III (2nd year post-baccalauréat) title or degree, or qualifications that are recognized as being equivalent to these titles or degrees;
    • have fulfilled any obligations they may have for National Service.



Registration for the exam option “Economics and Social Sciences” for statistical engineering students (civilians) and INSEE civil servant student statisticians (government employees) must be done via, option “B/L”, then ENSAI civil (engineer) and/or ENSAI fonctionnaire (INSEE civil servant) – option Economics and Social Sciences.

Examination fees for 2023:

  • statistical engineering students (civilians): €55. Candidates who receive French grants or bursary are exempt from paying.
  • INSEE civil servant student statisticians: free


The exams and coefficients are the same for statistical engineering students (civilian) and INSEE civil servant student statisticians.

Except for the interview (oral exam), the examination subjects  are based on the programs for the entrance exams for ENS in social sciences (CPGE B/L).

Written exams:

The 4 written exams are taken from the group of inter-ENS social science exams (B/L).
The written compositions in social sciences and mathematics are common to all ENS.

The written exam with the sociology or economics option and the written language exam are specific to ENS Paris Saclay.

Oral Exams:

Shortlisted (eligible) candidates have two oral exams at ENSAI:

  • An interview (30 min.) which aims to evaluate the candidates general knowledge and quality of reflection, as well as the candidates’ motivation to become a statistician (engineer or civil servant). The format and evaluation method can be consulted by clicking on the links above
  • A mathematics oral exam (30 min.) which has two parts and tests knowledge from the BL preparatory classes’ curriculum:
    • one exercise drawn at random by the candidate, prepared for 30 min., and presented to the jury for 15 min.
    • one exercise, without preparation time, on a different topic than the previous one, which allows the jury to evaluate the candidates’ reactivity in real-time, followed by questions from the jury, for a total of 15 min.

Either way, every candidate has a question about probability/statistics, either as the main prepared presentation or as the secondary unprepared activity. Both of these exercises are done on the (white)board and calculators are not allowed.

For all the exams, except the language test, all scores below 5/20 automatically eliminate the candidate.

Annals 2019 :

Annals 2018 :


Results will be available on the candidate area.


  • Registration on : December 10, 2022, until January 11, 2023, at 5 p.m.
  • Written exams: April 17 to 24, 2023
  • Oral exams: June 19 to 30, 2023
  • Admission results:



> Entrance Exam 2022
Engineering students: 296 applied, 53 shortlisted, 10 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 32
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 420 applied, 63 shortlisted, 7 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 31

> Entrance Exam 2021
Engineering students: 251 applied, 53 shortlisted, 8 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 32
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 320 applied, 55 shortlisted, 7 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 41

> Entrance Exam 2020
Engineering students: 214 applied, 127 shortlisted, 8 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 69
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 276 applied, 157 shortlisted, 6 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 117

> Entrance Exam 2019
Engineering students: 194 applied, 126 shortlisted, 6 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 36
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 261 applied, 157 shortlisted, 8 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 38




ENSAI Admissions
Engineer Statistician and Official Statistician Admissions
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 / 32 03
Section « concours et examens » de l’INSEE
Timbre C930, 88 Avenue Verdier, 92120 Montrouge
+33 (0)1 87 69 51 60