Economics and Management Competitive Exam (D2)

These are the same exams for the economics competitive examination with the “Economics and Management” option for ENS Cachan (ENS Cachan D2 preparatory classes), with specific coefficients, to which is added a specific oral examnination in mathematics.

ENSAI recruits two types of profiles : statistical engineers (civilian) and INSEE civil servant student statiticians (government employee)


The exams are the same for both profiles however they are ranked separately and a specific number of places are granted for each one.

Approximately 15 places are granted for this exam. Results posted publicly on ENSAI’s website:


The “Economics and Management” option of ENSAI’s Economics Competitive Entrance Exam is essentially suited for students who have completed ENS Cachan D2 preparatory classes.


Conditions to Take the Entrance Exam :

  • statistical engineering students (civilian): no particular conditions apply


  • civil servant student statisticians for INSEE (government employee) must :
    • be a citizen of an EU Member State or signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra or Monaco);
    • enjoy full rights as a citizen;
    • prove a clean criminal record (Bulletin n°2 in France), compatible with official duties;
    • prove physically fit for employment;
    • have on September 1st of the year for which the examination is organized, a valid schooling certificate (to be a registered student) to certify that they are in the 2nd year of the preparatory classes for the grandes écoles entrance exams, or a level III (2nd year post-baccalauréat) title or degree, or qualifications that are recognized as being equivalent to these titles or degrees;
    • have fulfilled any obligations they may have for National Service.


étudiantes ENSAI


Registration for the Economics and Management Entrance Exam for statistical engineering students (civilians) and civil servant statisticians for INSEE (government employees) must be done on the website:, option for Cachan D2 preparatory classes, then ENSAI civil (engineer) and/or Ensai fonctionnaire (civil servant student statistician for INSEE) – option “Economics and Management”.

Examination fees for 2023:

  • Statistical engineering students (civilian) : €55 (specific ENSAI fee). Students benefiting from a French grant or bursary are exempt from paying.
  • INSEE civil servant student statisticians: free


The exams and coefficients are identical for statistical engineering students (civilians) and INSEE civil servant student statisticians.

The written and oral examinations are based on the curriculum for the Economics and Management entrance exam for ENS Cachan – with the “Economics and Management” option, except for the oral exam in mathematics, which is specific to ENSAI.

Candidates who are absent to one of the exams or receive a score of 0 are automatically eliminated.

Except for the mathematics oral exam, the curriculum for all exams is the same as the ENS Cachan “Economics and Management” entrance examination – option “Economics and Management (Cachan D2). For the specific oral entrance exam, complex numbers are added to the ENS Cachan entrance exam curriculum.


> Past Exam Papers


Admission results for the 2022 Economics and Management examination are:

  • Admission list 2022 – Economics and Management Competitive Exam – INSEE civil servant
  • Admission list 2022 – Economics and Management Competitive Exam – civil engineer

Wait-listed Candidates :

  • Wait-listed candidates 2022 – Economics and Management option – INSEE civil servant
  • Wait-listed candidates 2022 – Economics and Management option – civil engineer


Admitted candidates must confirm their wish to join ENSAI by emailing their confirmation to admission[@]

For wait-listed candidates, please confirm with ENSAI if you wish to remain on this list.


  • Registration at December 10, 2022, to January 11, 2023, until 5 p.m/.
  • Written exams: April 17 to 20, 2023
  • Oral exams: June 5 to 10, 2023
  • Admission results:

Key Figures

> Competitive Exams 2022
Engineering students: 140 applied, 38 shortlisted, 4 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 36
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 348 applied, 55 shortlisted, 6 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 51

> Competitive Exams 2021
Engineering students: 143 applied, 37 shortlisted, 4 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 36
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 289 applied, 42 shortlisted, 5 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 38

> Competitive Exams 2020
Engineering students: 176 applied, 90 shortlisted, 8 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 62
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 327 applied, 115 shortlisted, 6 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 114

> Competitive Exams 2019
Engineering students: 140 applied, 68 shortlisted, 8 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 35
INSEE civil servant statisticians: 276 applied, 99 shortlisted, 5 admitted. Lowest admitted rank position: 32




ENSAI Admissions
Engineer Statistician and Official Statistician Admissions
+33 (0)2 99 05 32 47 / 32 03
Section « concours et examens » de l’INSEE
Timbre C930, 88 Avenue Verdier, 92120 Montrouge
+33 (0)1 87 69 51 60