France’s Top Graduate School for Statistics and Data Science

Located on the Ker Lann campus, just outside Rennes, ENSAI educates Data Scientists – for the private and public sector – capable of giving meaning to data.

We Train Data Experts

Our Data Scientists are qualified experts capable of collecting, treating, and modeling data, making it possible to derive meaning and inform decision making. ENSAI offers specializations in Risk Management, Biostatistics, Industry, Quantitative Marketing, Big Data, and Official Statistics.

Our DNA: Statistical Modeling

ENSAI graduates have advanced skills in Statistical Modeling as well as complementary skills in Computer Science and Quantitative Economics. They are unanimously recognized for the quality of the innovative scientific and operational training they receive at ENSAI and their ability to meet the needs of businesses and administrations across a wide array of sectors.

Recognized Research

ENSAI’s professors are nearly all members of the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) research laboratory, a joint research center which includes researchers from ENSAE and the Department of Economics of Polytechnique Paris, both members of the prestigious Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The CREST lab fosters a dynamic research environment combining both fundamental and applied research in Statistics, Economics, and Computer Science which continually informs and influences ENSAI’s curriculum.

Open to the World

ENSAI has a network of academic and business partners around the globe. The school has 28 exchange partnerships in 13 European countries, as well as other exchange and double degree agreements with universities in Europe, the United States, Africa, and Asia. Additionally, 23% of ENSAI’s students come from abroad.

Not Just a Number

ENSAI graduates around 100 Data Scientists and nearly 50 Official Statisticians annually. Maintaining manageable class sizes allows the school to make sure students get the personal attention and advice they need to ensure that they succeed in their studies and begin their careers successfully.


Olivier Biau, directeur de l'ENSAI


“Today, ENSAI educates some of the best data experts out there. Whether students go on to become Official Statisticians, Data Analysts, or Data Scientists, opportunities abound. In a field which is in constant evolution, our graduates can count on the solid foundations they have acquired at ENSAI: know-how in handling and modeling data to make sense of it. Be it in Finance, Health, Industry, Marketing, IT, Territorial Development, or Public Policy Evaluation, ENSAI graduates’ expertise will be essential in meeting the scientific, economic, and societal challenges of tomorrow.”

Olivier BIAU
Director of ENSAI


Part of the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, with administrative ties to France’s National Statistical Institute (INSEE), ENSAI and its sister school ENSAE are part of the Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics (GENES).