

Since its founding in 1996, ENSAI has built a network of academic partners in France and abroad. 

These ties to prestigious universities and grandes écoles allow our students to increase their attractiveness, notably thanks to double degree agreements which add value on the job market. These partnerships also benefit our professors and facilitate research activities and foster the creation of common projects. 

Partner Universities and Grandes écoles

logo Erasmus +ENSAI participates in the Erasmus + program, which promotes and finances exchanges for students, teachers, and administrative staff with partner universities throughout Europe. 

logo Campus FranceENSAI is part of the Forum Campus France, France’s official governmental organization for promoting higher education in France abroad and welcoming students and researchers to France. 


logo n+iENSAI is a member of the N+i Network, a consortium of 50 French Grandes Ecoles d’Ingénieurs that have chosen to work together to promote international cooperation to increase visibility and improve how international students are welcomes to France. 





log CrestNearly all professors at ENSAI are members of the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST). CREST is an internationally renowned mixed research unit of 120 researchers and PhD students from ENSAI, ENSAE, CNRS and the Department of Economics of the École polytechnique. The lab is located in both ENSAE, in Saclay, and ENSAI, in Rennes.


Doctoral Schools

ENSAI is co-accredited to grant the PhD within the MathSTIC Doctoral School (Mathématiques et Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication).

With over 1100 PhD students, the MathSTIC Doctoral School is one of the largest in the region in terms of students and theses defended annually. It includes doctoral students from: Université de Rennes 1, Université de Rennes 2, INSA Rennes, Institut Mines-Telecom Atlantique, and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes.

ENSAI is a partner school of the EDGE Doctoral School (Sciences Economiques et sciences De Gestion).


Graduate schools

digisportDIGISPORT offers a comprehensive, hybrid graduate school encompassing the specialties in both sport and digital sciences. It provides excellence in research and teaching by serving both traditional students and industry professionals, as well as offering formal collaborations with regional research outfits.

The research units involved in DIGISPORT are affiliated with CNRS joint labs (IRISA, IETR, IRMAR, CREST), Inria teams, Grandes Ecoles network (ENSAI, ENS Rennes, INSA Rennes, CentraleSupelec) and Université de Rennes 1 and Université Rennes 2

cyberschoolCyberSchool is the only graduate school for cybersecurity in France. Supported by the University of Rennes 1, CyberSchool draws on the expertise of Rennes universities, four major engineering schools (ENSAI, CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique and INSA Rennes), ENS Rennes and Science-Po Rennes, in close collaboration with the CNRS and Inria Labs.

Société Française de Statistique

logo SFdSThe Société Française de Statistique (SFdS) is an academic society founded in 1997 with the mission to promote the use of Statistics and their comprehension as well as develop methodology. The SFdS grants the annual ENSAI-SFdS Prize to reward the best statistical project for second-year students in the Engineer Statistician program. The prize winners present their work at the annual SFdS conference.



logo pole images & reseaux desir-dune


pépite bretagnePépite Bretagne fosters Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship for students. Founding members and associates aim to implement a common policy to support student entrepreneurship in Brittany.



ENSAI has cultivated a rich ecosystem made up of private companies and public administrations which recruit our students, give courses, and support us and our students with projects. 

Our Career Partners