About ENSAI and Key Figures



Founded in 1994 in Paris, ENSAI’s home has been the Ker Lann Campus, on the outskirts of Rennes since 1996. ENSAI is THE grande école (a prestigious higher education establishment in France) for statistical engineering and  information analysis that prepares its students to become Data Scientists.


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ENSAI, along with ENSAE Paris, make up the Grouping of National Economics and Statistics Schools (GENES), a public higher education and research establishment attached to the Ministry for the  Economy and Finance of France.


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ENSAI is accredited by the French Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (la Commission des titres d’ingénieur – CTI) to award a Master’s level engineering degree.


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ENSAI trains civil servant statistician students who go on to work for INSEE – the National Institute of Statistics and Economics Studies – as official civil servants. INSEE ensures the technical supervision of GENES.


logo CGEENSAI is a member of the  Conférence des grandes écoles (a French national institution). Founded in 1973, the CGE includes 223 grandes écoles (in engineering, management, architecture, design, political sciences institutes, etc.) all of which are recognized by the French government and authorized to award Master level diplomas.

Key Figures

ENSAI Key figures